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Kjelder Kapittel 6

3M: A NOT-able Achievment (5. mai 2018)

Bass, B.M. (1990): From Transactional to transformational leadership: Learning to share a vision, Organizational Dynamics, Winter

Brand Management Group (15. september 2017)

Cnet, Cheng, R (2013): Here's why the Facebook phone flopped (5. mai 2018)

CNN, Leung, J. (2011): Ryanair's 5 'cheapest' money-saving schemes (13. mars 2017)

CoreTrek – Scrum i et nøtteskall (7. mai 2018)


Dagens Næringsliv Gründer, Johannessen, S. Ø. (2017): Gründerselskap har inngått robotavtale med it-kjempe (7. mai 2018)

Dagens Næringsliv, Solem, K. L. (2017): Dette kan bli fremtidens miljøbutikker (13. mars 2017)

Fast Company, Subramanian, S.: Google Took Its 20% Back, But Other Companies Are Making Employee Side Projects Work For Them (5. mai 2018)

Forbes, Mac, R. (2013): The Mad Billionaire Behind GoPro: The World's Hottest Camera Company (5. mai 2018)

GE Healthcare (2012): From Terrifying to Terrific: The Creative Journey of the Adventure Series (15. oktober 2017)

HBR.org, Blank, S. (2013): Why the Lean Start-Up Changes Everything (7. mai 2018)

Hotnewhiphop, Low, C. (2016): How Much Money Do Nike & Adidas Make On A Pair Of Sneakers? (20. november 2017)

Kouzes, J. M.; Posner, B. Z. (1987): The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations, John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York

No Isolation (15. oktober 2017)

Nordlandgard (20. november 2017)

Quang, J. (2017): Your Guide to Innovation and Design Methods

RAFI Digonto, blog (2014): World’s first SMARTPHONE: IBM Simon (1994) (15. september 2017)

REMA 1000 (2018): Nå blir det mindre plast i frukt- og grøntavdelingen hos REMA 1000 (6.juli 2018)

Sandberg, S. (2014): Lean In (kvinner, karriere og kunsten å lede), Oslo: Gyldendal

Seilheimer, J. (2014): Product Development: Strategic Planning Framework (6. Mai 2018)

Sneaker Factory: How much does it cost to make a sneaker? (20. november 2017)

Statista: Unit sales of action cameras worldwide from 2010 to 2016 (in millions) (5. mai 2018)

Store norske leksikon – Organisasjonskultur (5. mars 2017)

Tetra Pak (2015): The world’s first fully renewable carton (20. november 2017)

The Startup, Tschepe, S (2017): Mindset? Process? Method? A Comprehensive Descriptive Model for Design Thinking (20. november 2017)

The Telegraph (2016): Waterfall Project Management Explained (6. mai 2018)

Tidd, J.; Bessant, J. (2013): Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organisational Change, 5. utg., John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Tidd, J.; Bessant, J. and Pavitt, K. (2005): Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organisational Change, 3. utg., John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Volvo: Bygg din Volvo (20. november 2017)

YouTube (2013): Sheryl Sandberg as a transformational leader (5. mai 2018)

YouTube (2016): GV’s Sprint Process in 90 Seconds (5. mai 2018)