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Burnes, B. (2004). Kurt Lewin and the Planned Approach to Change: A Re-appraisal. Journal of Management Studies, 41(6), 977–1002.

CNBC, Hunter, M og Balakrishnan, A (2018): Apple’s cash pile hits $285.1 billion, a record (26. april 2018)

Fri Flyt, Sande, E. (2017): Norske skimerker ut i verden (29. desember 2017)

Gizmodo Media Group, Jones, T. (2013): The Surprisingly Long History of Nintendo (26. april 2018)

Innovasjon Norge (14. mai 208)

Kampanje (2014): Google kjøper mystisk selskap (11. august 2017)

Leavitt, H. J. (1965): Applying Organizational Change in Industry: Structural, Technological and Humanistic Approaches, artikkel i March, J. G. (red.): Handbook of Organizations. Chicago, Illinois: Rand McNally.

Libraries Principles of Management, 7.3 Organizational Structure (5. Mars 2018)

Lumen Boundless Management, Common Organizational Structures (26. april 2018)

NHO Kompetansebarometer (4. april 2018)

Rogers, E. M. (2003): Diffusion of innovations. New York, Free Press. Harvard (18th ed.)

ScrapHero (2018): How Many Products Does Amazon Sell? – January 2018 (26. april 2018)

The Verge, Kastrenakes, J. (2016): Indiegogo wants huge companies to crowdfund their next big products (9. januar 2018)

Wired, Wiener, A. (2017): Inside Adidas’ robot-powered, on-demand sneaker factory (9. januar 2018)